英语笑话:Mommy is Going to Eat your Fingers 妈妈要吃你的手指

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-02  

Mommy is Going to Eat your Fingers

As I was trying to pack for vacation,my 3-year-old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed.At one point,she said,“Mom,look at this,”and stuck out two of her fingers.Trying to keep her entertained,I reached out and stuck her fingers in my mouth and said,“Mommy gonna eat your fingers!”pretending to eat them before I rushed out of the room again.When I returned,my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.I said,“What’s wrong,honey?”“Mommy,where’s my booger?”


Mommy - 妈妈(通常用于孩子对母亲的称呼)

Vacation - 假期,度假

Daughter - 女儿

Playing - 玩耍

Fingers - 手指

Entertained - 娱乐的,使感到快乐

Reached out - 伸出(手)

Stuck - 插入,塞入

Mouth - 嘴巴

Pretending - 假装

Rushed out - 匆忙离开

Returned - 返回

Staring - 凝视

Devastated - 极度伤心的,毁灭性的

Honey - 亲爱的(一种亲昵的称呼)

Booger - 鼻屎(这里孩子可能误以为她的手指上有鼻屎,而实际上没有)

