
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-19  



1. Angry - 生气的

2. Frustrated - 沮丧的

3. Annoyed - 烦恼的

4. Irritated - 感到恼怒的

5. Upset - 不高兴的

6. Mad - 生气的

7. Furious - 愤怒的

8. Outraged - 愤慨的

9. Enraged - 激怒的

10. Livid - 极度愤怒的


A: What's wrong? You seem really angry.


B: I'm just frustrated that I've been trying to call my boss all morning and she hasn't answered.


A: Have you tried emailing her instead?


B: Yes, I have. But I need to talk to her urgently about an important project and I can't wait for her to respond via email.


A: That sounds really frustrating. Maybe you could try calling her office line instead of her mobile?


B: Good idea. I'll try that now. Thanks for your help.



When we feel angry, it can be a very intense and uncomfortable emotion. We may feel hot, tense, and unable to think clearly. It's important to recognize when we are feeling angry and to find healthy ways to express and manage our anger.


One way to manage anger is through physical exercise. Exercise can help to release tension and stress, which can reduce feelings of anger. Talking to a trusted friend or family member can also be helpful, as they can provide support and offer a different perspective on the situation.


It's also important to identify the source of our anger. Are we upset about something specific, or is our anger a result of a deeper issue? Once we understand the cause of our anger, we can begin to work on addressing it and finding a solution.



❶ 太过分了!That's really too much!

同类表达 That's going a bit too far! 那也太过分了。

You've gone too far. 你太过分了。

❷ 见鬼。Shucks!

对话 A: Where is your homework? 你的作业在哪儿呢?

B: Shucks! I forgot it at home. 哎呀!我忘在家里了。

❸ 我再也忍不下去了。This is the last straw.

同类表达 I've had it up to here.

I can't take it any more.

❹ 简直让我抓狂。It drives me crazy.

同类表达 It makes me crazy.

It drives me up the wall.

对话 A: What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?

B: I hate that noise. It drives me crazy. 我真讨厌那声音。它简直让我抓狂。

❺ 那让我很生气。It makes me nuts.

同类表达 That really ticks me off.

❻ 他快把我逼疯了。He's driving me crazy.

对话 A: He's driving me crazy. 他快把我逼疯了。

B: Tell me what the matter is. 告诉我发生什么事了。

❼ 他大发脾气。He lost his temper.

同类表达 Mary's temper flared up. 玛丽大发脾气。

对话 A: He lost his temper. What happened? 他大发脾气,怎么回事?

B: He lost his new phone. 他把新手机丢了。

❽ 他好像气得要命。He looked fit to be tied.

对话 A: How was he doing after being punished by his father? 他被父亲惩罚后怎么样了?

B: He looked fit to be tied. 他好像气得要命。

❾ 她气疯了!She has flipped out!

对话 A: Mike has broken up with his girlfriend. 迈克已经跟他的女朋友分手了。

B: I know. She has flipped out! 我知道。她气疯了!

❿ 我从没这么生气过。I've never been this angry.

同类表达 I can't take this anger anymore.

对话 A: I've never been this angry. 我从没这么生气过。

B: It's no big deal. 没什么大不了的。