
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-12  



Disease - 疾病

Illness - 疾病

Infection - 感染

Virus - 病毒

Bacteria - 细菌

Symptoms - 症状

Fever - 发烧

Cough - 咳嗽

Sore throat - 喉咙痛

Headache - 头痛

Fatigue - 疲劳

Nausea - 恶心

Vomiting - 呕吐

Diarrhea - 腹泻

Allergy - 过敏

Asthma - 哮喘

Diabetes - 糖尿病

High blood pressure - 高血压

Cancer - 癌症

Contagious - 传染的

Epidemic - 流行病

Pandemic - 大流行病

Treatment - 治疗

Medication - 药物

Vaccine - 疫苗

Doctor - 医生

Nurse - 护士

Hospital - 医院

Isolate - 隔离

Quarantine - 检疫

关于疾病的英语对话 带翻译

John: Hi Mary, you don't look well. Are you feeling okay?


Mary: No, I'm not feeling well. I have a headache and I feel nauseous.


John: Oh no, that doesn't sound good. Have you seen a doctor?


Mary: Not yet. I'm thinking of making an appointment tomorrow if I don't feel any better.


John: That's a good idea. It's important to get checked out if you're not feeling well.


Mary: I agree. I don't want to ignore these symptoms in case it's something serious.


John: Absolutely. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Let me know if you need any help.


Mary: Thank you, John. I appreciate it. I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing.


John: No problem, Mary. Take care and get well soon!


关于疾病的英语作文 带翻译

Title: The Impact of Diseases on Society


Diseases are an unfortunate reality that affect individuals and societies worldwide. They not only cause physical suffering but also have significant social and economic impacts. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which diseases affect society.


1. Health Burden:

Diseases impose a significant burden on individuals and healthcare systems. People who suffer from chronic illnesses often struggle with daily activities and require long-term medical care. This places a strain on healthcare resources and affects the overall well-being of individuals and communities.

1. 健康负担:


2. Economic Impact:

Diseases have far-reaching economic consequences. They lead to increased healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and decreased workforce participation. Additionally, outbreaks of contagious diseases can disrupt industries, tourism, and global trade, causing financial losses on a large scale.

2. 经济影响:


3. Social Disruption:

Diseases can disrupt social structures and relationships. Fear of contagion may lead to stigmatization and discrimination against affected individuals or communities. Quarantine measures and travel restrictions during pandemics can isolate people and hinder social interaction, leading to feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

3. 社会破坏:


Diseases have profound effects on individuals and societies, impacting physical health, economic stability, and social well-being. Addressing the prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases is crucial for maintaining a healthy and prosperous society. It requires collaborative efforts from governments, healthcare systems, and communities to mitigate the impact of diseases and build resilient societies.



❶ 如果我用手指压住牙龈就会痛。The gums ache if I press them with my finger.

对话 A: What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?

B: The gums ache if I press them with my finger. 如果我用手指压住牙龈就会痛。

❷ 我的一颗门牙有缺口。One of my front teeth is chipped.

对话 A: One of my front teeth is chipped. 我的一颗门牙有缺口。

B: You'd better go to see a dentist. 你最好去看牙医。

❸ 牙齿美白可以让牙齿变亮。Teeth whitening can lighten the teeth.

对话 A: Why do you have such white teeth? 你的牙齿为什么这么白?

B: Teeth whitening can lighten the teeth. 牙齿美白可以让牙齿变亮。

❹ 我的听力越来越差。My hearing is going.

❺ 我在节食,结果身体越来越差。I'm on a diet but it makes me feel weak.

同类表达 I have no energy because I'm on a diet. 我在节食,所以浑身没劲。

I went on a diet but it took away a lot of my energy. 我之前在节食,但是它耗费了我很多精力。

❻ 我的眼睛很痒。My eyes are itchy.

同类表达 My right eye is dry. 我的右眼很干涩。

对话 A: Why are you keeping winking? 你为什么一直眨眼?

B: My eyes are itchy. 我的眼睛很痒。

❼ 我一闭上眼睛,就会感觉眼皮一阵刺痛。I feel a pain in my eyelids whenever I close my eyes.

对话 A: What kind of symptoms do you have? 你有什么症状?

B: I feel a pain in my eyelids whenever I close my eyes. 我一闭上眼睛,就会感觉眼皮一阵刺痛。

❽ 我的视力好像越来越差了。My eyesight seems to be gradually worsening.

同类表达 My eyes are cloudy. 我的视线很模糊。

I have been staying up late and my eyes have been bleary. 我一直熬夜,结果搞得视线模糊不清。

❾ 我的隐形眼镜摘不下来。I can't get my contacts out.

对话 A: I can't get my contacts out. 我的隐形眼镜摘不下来。

B: Oh, gosh. Let's go to the hospital now. 哦,天啊,我们现在就去医院吧。

❿ 我不小心切到自己了。I cut myself accidently.

对话 A: You are bleeding. What's wrong? 你在流血,怎么了?

B: I cut myself accidently. 我不小心切到自己了。
