
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-05  


- NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training): 啃老族

- Boomerang Generation/Child: 归巢族/孩子(指成年后返回父母家居住的年轻人)

- Adult dependent child: 成年依赖子女(通常指因心理或生理缺陷而需要抚养的成年子女)

- Live off: 依赖某人为生

- Financially dependent: 经济上依赖

- Couch potato: 沙发土豆(贬义词,指那些整天无所事事,依赖父母的人)


A: Have you heard about the term "NEET"?

B: Yes, it refers to young people who are not in education, employment, or training, right?

A: Exactly. It's a growing concern in many countries, including ours.

B: I've also heard about the "Boomerang Generation." They return to live with their parents after trying to live independently.

A: True, but not all of them are "NEETs." Some might be facing temporary difficulties.

B: It's important to encourage them to become self-reliant and contribute to society.

A: 你听说过“NEET”这个词吗?

B: 是的,它指的是那些没有接受教育、就业或培训的年轻人,对吧?

A: 没错。这在包括我们国家在内的许多国家都是一个日益增长的关注点。

B: 我还听说过“归巢族”。他们在尝试独立生活后返回父母家居住。

A: 是的,但并非所有归巢族都是“NEET”。有些人可能只是暂时遇到困难。

B: 鼓励他们自力更生,为社会做出贡献是很重要的。


The phenomenon of "NEETs," or individuals who are Not in Education, Employment, or Training, has become a significant societal issue in recent years. These individuals, often in their late teens or early twenties, live at home and rely on their parents for financial support, despite having the ability to work or study.

This trend is not unique to any one country and can be attributed to various factors, including economic downturns, increased competition in the job market, and changing social norms. While some may choose to delay entering the workforce to pursue further education, others may lack the motivation or opportunities to do so.

The long-term consequences of this trend can be concerning. It not only places a financial burden on the parents but also hinders the personal growth and independence of the young adults involved. It is crucial for governments and communities to address this issue by providing support and opportunities for education and employment.





1. Despite possessing the requisite qualifications, a significant number of young adults find themselves relegated to the status of NEETs, which is a testament to the complexities of the current job market.


2. The perpetuation of the NEET phenomenon not only impedes the socio-economic development of a nation but also undermines the psychological well-being of the individuals involved.


3. It is imperative for policymakers to devise comprehensive strategies that cater to the unique needs of NEETs, facilitating their transition into productive members of society.



❶ 啃老对子女是不利的。It's bad for kids to live off parents.

对话 A: What do you think about living off parents? 你对啃老怎么看?

B: It's bad for kids to live off parents. 啃老对子女是不利的。

❷“啃老族”现象已成为一个社会问题。The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem.

对话 A: The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem.“啃老族”现象已成为一个社会问题。

B: You're right. It's widespread. 你说得对,很普遍。

❸ 她加入了“啃老族”的队伍。She joins the rank of NEET.

❹ 你对那些啃老族有什么看法?What do you think of those grown-ups who live on their parents?

同类表达 I know some friends who are grown-ups but still live on their parents. 我身边有些朋友是啃老族。

❺ 他已经30岁了,但仍然依靠他的父母生活。He is already thirty years old but still lives off his parents.

❻ 她做起“啃老族”,只享受生活。She becomes a boomerang kid, only enjoying the life.

对话 A: Why doesn't she find a job? 她为什么不找工作?

B: She becomes a boomerang kid, only enjoying the life. 她做起“啃老族”,只享受生活。

❼ 回家啃老不是什么好事。Boomeranging is nothing but bad news.

对话 A: Boomeranging is nothing but bad news. 回家啃老不是什么好事。

B: But many young people do so. 但是很多年轻人这样做。

❽ 越来越多的人成为啃老族。More and more people become boomerang kids.

对话 A: More and more people become boomerang kids. 越来越多的人成为啃老族。

B: Yes, but there are more pressure on young men's shoulder. 是的,但是年轻人的压力也越来越大。

❾ 他们能工作,但他们放弃了工作机会。They can work, but they give up the job opportunities.

❿ 很多家长都不愿意让他们的孩子在外辛苦地工作。Many parents are unwilling to let their children work hard outside.

对话 A: Many parents are unwilling to let their children work hard outside. 很多家长都不愿意让他们的孩子在外辛苦地工作。

B: But I don't think that's a good idea. 但我认为那不是个好主意。