
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-03  



Medication - 药物

Drug - 药物

Pill - 药丸

Tablet - 药片

Capsule - 胶囊

Injection - 注射剂

Syrup - 糖浆

Ointment - 药膏

Cream - 乳霜

Suppository - 栓剂

Ampoule - 安瓿剂

Drops - 滴剂

Inhaler - 吸入器

Vaccine - 疫苗

Antibiotics - 抗生素

Painkiller - 止痛药

Stress reliever - 减压药

Sleeping pill - 安眠药

Antidepressant - 抗抑郁药

Anti-anxiety medication - 抗焦虑药


A: Hi, do you have any aspirin? 你好,你有阿司匹林吗?

B: Yes, we have a few different brands. Do you have a preference? 是的,我们有几种不同品牌的阿司匹林。你有任何偏好吗?

A: No, just the cheapest one, please. 没有,就最便宜的那种吧。

B: Here you go. And just so you know, it's important to read the label and follow the dosage instructions carefully. 给你。还有,你需要知道的是,很重要的是仔细阅读标签并按照剂量指示服用。

A: Thanks for the reminder. How often can I take these? 谢谢提醒。我可以多久服用一次?

B: It depends on your symptoms and medical history. You should talk to a doctor or pharmacist if you're not sure. 这取决于您的症状和病史。如果您不确定,应该与医生或药剂师咨询。

A: Okay, I will. Thanks for your help. 好的,我会的。谢谢你的帮助。

B: You're welcome. Let me know if you have any other questions. 不客气。如果你有其他问题,请告诉我。


Medications play a crucial role in modern society. In daily life, whether for treating minor ailments or as an adjunct to long-term disease management, medications are indispensable. They can alleviate symptoms, cure diseases, and even save lives.

The history of medication can be traced back to the early days of human civilization, when people used natural herbs and minerals to treat physical discomforts. With the advancement of science and technology, human understanding of pharmacology has deepened, and the research and development of medications have become increasingly sophisticated. Today, we have antibiotics, antiviral drugs, anticancer drugs, and more, all of which are miracles of modern medicine.

However, the use of medications also brings about some problems. The abuse of medications, especially prescription drugs and illicit drugs, has become a global public health issue. The misuse of medications not only poses a serious threat to individual health but can also lead to social and economic problems. Therefore, rational medication use and drug management are challenges we must face.

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of medications, governments and health organizations around the world have established strict drug regulatory policies. These policies include the supervision of various stages such as the research and development, production, sales, and use of medications. In addition, educating the public on the correct use of medications and raising awareness of drug safety are key to preventing drug abuse.

In conclusion, medications are an essential tool for humans to combat diseases. We must recognize the potential risks while enjoying the conveniences they bring and take appropriate measures to ensure the rational use of medications.







❶ 有治感冒的药吗?Do you have medicine for a cold?

同类表达 Do you have cold medicine? 你们这儿有感冒药吗?

I'd like some medicine for a cold. 我要买点感冒药。

❷ 这种药我得吃几天?How many days do I need to take it for?

对话 A: How many days do I need to take it for? 这种药我得吃几天?

B: Normally, a week on end. 一般而言,需要连续服用一个星期。

❸ 这种情况用什么药最好?What is the best medication for this condition?

同类表达 Isn't there any good medicine for it? 没有什么好药吗?

❹ 它有什么副作用吗?Does it have any side effects?

同类表达 Are there any side effects of the drug? 这种药有副作用吗?

这样回答 It may cause drowsiness. 可能会使人犯困。

❺ 它会很快缓解你的感冒。It will relieve your cold symptoms quickly.

对话 A: Do you have cold medicine? 你们这里有感冒药吗?

B: Yes, take this medicine. It will relieve your cold symptoms quickly. 有,用这种药吧。它会很快缓解你的感冒。

❻ 这种药应该非常有效。The medicine is supposed to be very effective.

同类表达 This medicine is highly recommended. 这种药受欢迎。

❼ 我对任何药物都不过敏。I'm not allergic to any medication.

对话 A: Are you allergic to any medication? 你对药物过敏吗?

B: I'm not allergic to any medication. 我对任何药物都不过敏。

❽ 这是新药,没有副作用。It's a new drug, quite harmless.

对话 A: Are there any side effects of the drug? 这种药有副作用吗?

B: It's a new drug, quite harmless. 这是新药,没有副作用。

❾ 每天三次,每次两片。Two tablets each time, three times daily.

这样提问 How do I take this medicine? 这药如何服用?

How many pills do I take each time? 每次服用几片?

对话 A: How many pills should I take per day? 每天吃几片?

B: Two tablets each time, three times daily. 每天三次,每次两片。

❿ 这种药需要在餐后服用。This medication should be taken after meals.

对话 A: When do I take the medication? 我什么时候吃这药?

B: This medication should be taken after meals. 这种药需要在餐后服用。