
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-25  


You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months.



辨 析:

原文是美国电视剧《越狱》(Prison Break )开头部分锡德(Sid)对迈克尔(Michael)说的一句话,其实锡德所指的也不是真正的上衣,而是指迈克尔布满了整个上身的文身,只有两只手和颈部没有,远看犹如穿了一件上衣。




  • 字面翻译:直接将每个单词翻译过来,而没有考虑到整个句子的意思和语境。

  • 文化差异:不同的文化可能有不同的表达方式和习惯,直接翻译可能无法准确传达原文的含义。

  • 语境理解:翻译时需要理解原文的语境,包括说话者的意图、文化背景等。


He is in his shirtsleeves,一个人只穿衬衫而没有穿外套。

have something in/up one's sleeve,有应急的计划,如:

Unless you've got something in your sleeves , Mr. Forssyte, we're dished.福尔赛先生,除非你有什么锦囊妙计 ,不然我们可是输定了。

Everybody has a fool in his sleeve.谁也免不了会一时糊涂。

laugh in/up one's sleeves“窃笑”,如:

All the girls were laughing in their sleeves at Tom's folly.姑娘们对汤姆傻乎乎的样子暗暗好笑 。

roll up one's sleeves“卷起袖子(准备打架)” 

hang on somebody's sleeve“完全依赖某人”

without a shirt to one's back“衣不蔽体”、“一贫如洗”。

Roll up one's sleeves - 这个短语意味着准备开始工作或采取行动。它通常用来描述某人准备投入工作或面对挑战。

When the new project was announced, the team leader rolled up his sleeves and started brainstorming ideas for the project.

Sleeves rolled up - 这个短语与 "roll up one's sleeves" 类似,表示准备开始工作或采取行动。

The volunteers arrived at the community center with sleeves rolled up, ready to help with the cleanup after the storm.

Through the long sleeve - 这个短语可能指的是通过不正当的手段或秘密的方式。

He managed to get the contract through the long sleeve, but his unethical practices eventually caught up with him.

Sleeve of a card - 在某些情况下,这个短语可能用来描述一个人在社交场合中的表现,尤其是在打牌时。

She's known for her poker face; you can never tell what she's holding from the sleeve of a card.

Sleeves of the wind - 这个短语用来形容风的吹拂,尤其是在描述风轻轻地吹过某人的袖子。

As she stood on the hilltop, the sleeves of the wind gently brushed against her face, making her hair dance in the breeze.