
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-28  



Success - 成功

Failure - 失败

Triumph - 胜利,凯旋

Setback - 挫折,阻碍

Achieve - 实现,完成

Accomplish - 完成,实现

Succeed - 成功,达成

Fulfill - 履行,实现

Reach one's goal - 实现目标

Overcome obstacles - 克服障碍

Fall short - 未达到,失败

Miss the mark - 未命中目标

Underperform - 表现不佳

Strive for - 努力争取

Persevere - 坚持不懈


A: I heard you didn't get the promotion you were hoping for. Are you feeling down?

B: A bit, yes. But I know it's not the end of the world. I'll keep striving and look for other opportunities.

A: That's a good attitude. Remember, failure is just a stepping stone to success.

B: Absolutely. I'll learn from this experience and come back stronger next time.

A: 我听说你没有得到你希望的晋升。你感觉沮丧吗?

B: 是的,有点。但我知道这并不是世界末日。我会继续努力,寻找其他机会。

A: 那是一种很好的态度。记住,失败只是通往成功的垫脚石。

B: 当然。我会从这次经历中学习,并在下次变得更强。


he Journey of Success and Failure

Success and failure are two sides of the same coin, and they are inevitable parts of life's journey. While success brings joy and a sense of achievement, failure offers valuable lessons and the chance to grow.

In the pursuit of our goals, we often encounter failures. It's important to remember that these setbacks are not a reflection of our worth but rather opportunities to learn and improve. Each failure is a step closer to understanding what works and what doesn't, and it's through this process that we can refine our strategies and approach.

On the other hand, success should not lead to complacency. It's a celebration of our hard work and determination, but it's also a reminder to stay humble and continue to strive for excellence. The true measure of success is not just in the achievements we make but in how we maintain our progress and adapt to new challenges.

In conclusion, both success and failure are integral to our personal development. They shape our character and teach us resilience. It's through embracing both that we can truly appreciate the journey and become better versions of ourselves.







❶ 努力工作,就会成功。Work hard and you will be successful.

对话 A: When will I succeed? 我什么时候才能成功呢?

B: Work hard and you will be successful. 努力工作,就会成功。

❷ 你要对未来的成功怀有希望。You need to have hope for success in the future.

对话 A: What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?

B: I'm worried about the project. 我担心这个项目。

A: You need to have hope for success in the future. 你要对未来的成功怀有希望。

❸ 坚持下去,你就会成功。You will succeed if you keep at it.

对话 A: I'm too tired. 我太累了。

B: You will succeed if you keep at it. 坚持下去,你就会成功。

❹ 她飘飘然了。She is heady.

同类表达 She seems walk on air. 她飘飘然了。

❺ 成功没有捷径。There is no shortcut to success.

对话 A: Some of my friends are successful. I feel I'm a failure. 我的一些朋友都很成功。我觉得自己很失败。

B: There is no shortcut to success. They must have worked hard. 成功没有捷径。他们一定是努力工作了。

❻ 我的计划失败了。My plan has fallen down.

对话 A: My plan has fallen down. 我的计划失败了。

B: Don't lose your heart. You can start over. 别灰心。你可以重新开始。

❼ 两种方法都试过了,但没有成功。Both ways have been tried, but still failed.

对话 A: Both ways have been tried, but still failed. 两种方法都试过了,但没有成功。

B: It doesn't matter. Work harder. 没关系,再努力些。

❽ 我为我的失败感到羞愧。I'm ashamed of my failure.

对话 A: I'm ashamed of my failure. 我为我的失败感到羞愧。

B: You still have lots of other chances. 你还有很多其他的机会。

❾ 她把失败归咎于缺乏经验。She put her failure to lack of experience.

对话 A: She put her failure to lack of experience. 她把失败归咎于缺乏经验。

B: That's her excuse. She never tried her best. 那是她的借口。她从来都没有尽力。

❿ 他们注定要失败。They are doomed to failure.