
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-04  



Hospital - 医院

Admission - 入院

Discharge - 出院

Inpatient - 住院病人

Outpatient - 门诊病人

Emergency Room (ER) - 急诊室

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) - 重症监护室

Ward - 病房

Bedside Manner - 医护人员的临床态度

Medical History - 病史

Diagnosis - 诊断

Treatment - 治疗

Surgery - 手术

Prescription - 处方

Medication - 药物

Nurse - 护士

Doctor/Physician - 医生

Patient - 病人

Vital Signs - 生命体征

Chart - 病历

Discharge Papers/Documents - 出院文件

Follow-up Appointment - 后续预约

Medical Insurance - 医疗保险

Co-pay - 自付额

Consent Form - 同意书

Recovery - 康复

Release - 放行,指医生允许病人出院

Bed Availability - 病床可用性

Visiting Hours - 探访时间

Patient Care - 病人护理

Health Care Provider - 医疗服务提供者

Medical Record - 医疗记录

Discharge Plan - 出院计划

Side Effects - 副作用

Therapy - 疗法,治疗方法


Patient: Good morning, Doctor. I was wondering when I might be discharged from the hospital?

Doctor: Good morning. Based on your latest test results and overall recovery, I believe you're ready to go home tomorrow.

Patient: That's great news! Is there anything I need to do to prepare for discharge?

Doctor: Yes, our staff will provide you with discharge instructions which will include a summary of your treatment here, any prescriptions you'll need to fill, and a schedule for follow-up appointments.

Patient: Will I need to continue any treatments at home?

Doctor: You'll need to take the prescribed medications and possibly continue with some physical therapy exercises. Also, make sure to get plenty of rest and follow a healthy diet.

Patient: What about the paperwork? Will my insurance cover all the costs?

Doctor: Our administrative team will handle the paperwork. They will coordinate with your insurance provider. There may be a co-pay or some additional charges depending on your insurance plan. It's best to check with them directly.

Patient: Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate all the care I've received here.

Doctor: You're welcome. Remember to schedule your follow-up appointment and take care of yourself. We're here if you have any more questions or concerns.












The Experience of Hospital Admission and Discharge

Being admitted to the hospital can be a daunting experience, but it is often necessary for the treatment of various illnesses or injuries. The process begins with admission, where patients are registered and given a bed in the appropriate ward. During their stay, patients are under the constant care of medical professionals who monitor their progress and adjust treatments as needed.

Throughout the hospitalization, various tests and procedures may be conducted to better understand the patient's condition and to determine the most effective course of treatment. Nurses and doctors work closely together to provide the best possible care, ensuring that the patient's health is the top priority.

As the patient's condition improves, the medical team will begin to discuss the discharge process. This involves a thorough review of the patient's recovery, instructions for continued care at home, and the scheduling of any necessary follow-up appointments. The goal is to make sure that the patient is well enough to leave the hospital and has all the information needed to aid in their full recovery.

Discharge day is a significant moment for patients. It marks the end of their hospital stay and the beginning of their journey back to normal life. While it can be a relief to return home, patients must adhere to their discharge instructions, including taking prescribed medications, attending follow-up visits, and making lifestyle adjustments if required.

In conclusion, the experience of being hospitalized can be challenging, yet the compassionate care provided by hospital staff makes the journey towards healing and recovery a supportive one. From admission to discharge, patients are guided and cared for with the ultimate aim of restoring their health and well-being.








❶ 查出是什么病了吗?Have they figured out what's wrong?

同类表达 Do they know what's wrong?

Have they found the problem?

❷ 我想办理入院手续。I want to apply for admission to hospital.

对话 A: I want to apply for admission to hospital. 我想办理入院手续。

B: Please go to the inpatient department. 请去住院部。

❸ 我仍然需要接受门诊治疗。I still need to be treated on an outpatient basis.

对话 A: What's the words from the doctor? 医生怎么说?

B: The doctor said that I still needed to be treated on an outpatient basis. 医生说我仍然需要接受门诊治疗。

❹ 你什么时候可以出院?When can you be discharged from hospital?

对话 A: When can you be discharged from hospital? 你什么时候可以出院?

B: Next weekend. 下周末。

❺ 探视时间已经过了。The visiting hours are over.

这样提问 What're the visiting hours? 探视时间是什么时候?

When do the visiting hours begin and end? 探视时间什么时候开始和结束?

❻ 我去叫护士来好吗?Should I get a nurse?

对话 A: My stomach just started hurting worse. 我的胃更疼了。

B: Should I get a nurse? 我去叫护士来好吗?

A: Thank you. 谢谢。

❼ 病人情况怎么样?How is the patient's condition?

对话 A: How is the patient's condition? 病人情况怎么样?

B: She is recovering fast. 她恢复得很快。

❽ 你要在这里待多久?How long do you have to stay here?

同类表达 How long will you be here?

How long will they keep you here?

❾ 她昨晚被送到加护病房。She was sent to the ICU last night.

对话 A: She was sent to the ICU last night. 她昨晚被送到加护病房了。

B: The doctor said she needed to stay here for another ten days. 医生说她还需要在这里待十天。

❿ 出院时,我已经痊愈了。When I left the hospital, I was completely cured.
