
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-26  



Oppose - 反对

Object - 反对,抗议

Dissent - 异议,不同意

Disagree - 不同意

Controversial - 有争议的

Debate - 辩论,讨论

Protest - 抗议

Dispute - 争论,争端

Opposition - 反对,敌对

Criticize - 批评,指责


Person A: I'm really against the new policy the company is implementing.

Person B: Why do you object to it? It seems like a reasonable change.

Person A: I think it's going to negatively impact our work-life balance.

A: 我真的反对公司正在实施的新政策。

B: 你为什么反对它?看起来像是一个合理的改变。

A: 我认为这将对我们的工作和生活平衡产生负面影响。

Person A: I'm not in favor of the proposed construction project in the park.

Person B: But it will create jobs and boost the local economy.

Person A: I understand that, but I believe preserving green spaces is more important.

A: 我不赞成在公园里提出的建设项目。

B: 但它会创造就业机会并促进当地经济。

A: 我理解,但我认为保护绿地更重要。


The Voice of Dissent

In a world where conformity often seems to be the norm, it takes courage to stand up and voice your dissent. Opposition to popular opinion or established practices is not always easy, but it is necessary for progress and innovation. It is through the clash of ideas that society evolves and improves.

One such instance of dissent was the opposition to the use of fossil fuels. Despite the economic benefits and convenience they provided, a growing number of individuals and organizations began to criticize the environmental impact of such energy sources. They argued for a shift towards renewable energy, a stance that was initially met with skepticism and resistance.

However, as the consequences of climate change became more evident, the voices of dissent grew louder. They organized protests, engaged in debates, and pushed for policy changes. Their persistence paid off as more people began to recognize the importance of sustainable practices. Today, renewable energy is a rapidly growing industry, and many countries are setting ambitious goals to reduce their carbon footprint.

This example demonstrates that opposition can be a powerful force for change. It challenges the status quo and encourages critical thinking. It is important to listen to those who dissent, as they often have valuable insights that can lead to better solutions for the future.







❶ 我不同意。I don't agree with you.

同类表达 I have different opinions.

对话 A: I think spring is the best season in a year. 我认为春天是一年之中最好的季节。

B: I don't agree with you. 我不同意。

❷ 那完全是胡说八道。That's absolute nonsense.

同类表达 That's out of the question. 那根本不可能。

对话 A: I heard that you will divorce your wife. 我听说你要跟你老婆离婚了。

B: That's absolute nonsense. 那完全是胡说八道。

❸ 恐怕行不通。I'm afraid it won't work.

对话 A: I think it's a good idea. 我觉得那是一个好主意。

B: I'm afraid it won't work. 恐怕行不通。

❹ 我觉得这是不合理的。I think it's unreasonable.

同类表达 I don't think it is reasonable.

对话 A: I want to change the time to sign the contract. 我想更改签约时间。

B: I think it's unreasonable. 我觉得这是不合理的。

❺ 那真不是什么好主意。It's really not a good idea.

对话 A: I want to take my daughter to the supermarket. 我想带我女儿去超市。

B: It's really not a good idea. 那真不是什么好主意。

❻ 不行!No way!

同类表达 I am completely against it. 我完全反对这件事。

对话 A: Can I have your phone number? 能给我你的电话号码吗?

B: No way! 不行!

❼ 那不是问题所在。That's not the point.

对话 A: Come on. That's not the point. 拜托,那不是问题所在。

B: Yeah, she is just wasting our time. 是啊,她就是在浪费我们的时间。

❽ 你不是那么说的。That's not what you said.

同类表达 You didn't say that.

❾ 我无法相信。I can't buy that!

对话 A: I'm telling the truth. 我说的都是真的。

B: I can't buy that! 我无法相信。

❿ 不总是这样。Not always.

对话 A: You always work late. 你总是工作到很晚啊。

B: Not always. 不总是这样。