
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-19  


She had a love accident.



辨 析:


  • 事故(noun):指不慎的、非预期的事件或情况,往往导致损害、伤亡或破坏。例如,车祸、火灾、跌倒等都可以被称为"accident"。

  • 偶然(noun):指没有计划或意图的事件,通常是由于偶然或巧合发生的。例如,偶然遇见某人或发现某事都可以用"accident"来形容。

  • 意外情况(adj):用作形容词时,"accidental"表示某事或行为是无意的、非故意的或偶然发生的。例如,一个意外的错误或意外的结果。

含有 "accident" 的常用英语词组:

  • Accident prone(容易出事故的):指某人或某物经常发生意外。例如:He's always breaking things - he's really accident-prone.

  • Slip and fall accident(滑倒摔伤事故):指因地面湿滑或其他原因导致人摔倒受伤的事故。例如:She suffered a serious back injury in a slip and fall accident at work.

  • Car accident(车祸):指车辆碰撞造成的事故。例如:The car accident left him with a broken leg and whiplash.

  • Road accident(道路交通事故):指发生在道路上的事故,包括车辆碰撞、行人被撞等。例如:There were over 100 road accidents reported last month.

  • Workplace accident(工作场所事故):指在工作场所发生的意外事故,可能导致员工受伤或死亡。例如:The company was fined for failing to prevent workplace accidents.

  • Texting while driving accident(开车时发短信导致的事故):指因驾驶员在开车时使用手机发短信而引发的交通事故。例如:Many young drivers are involved in texting while driving accidents.

  • Serious accident(严重事故):指造成重大伤亡或损失的事故。例如:The mining accident was a serious one, with several miners trapped underground.

  • Accident insurance(意外险):指为应对意外事件而导致的损失提供保障的保险。例如:I always make sure to have accident insurance when I travel abroad.



  • in trouble - 处于困境

  • break one's ankle - 脚踝骨折

  • break a toe - 脚趾骨折

  • break a leg - 祝好运(在表演行业中的祝福)

  • sprain an ankle - 扭伤脚踝

  • with child - 怀孕

  • be anticipating/expecting/infanticipating - 怀孕

  • be in the family way - 怀孕

  • in a certain/awkward/interesting/strange/particular/delicate condition - 怀孕

  • be in a bad shape - 处于糟糕状态

  • to have swollen a water melon seed - 怀孕

  • have a melon on the vine - 怀孕

  • waiting for the patter of little feet - 怀孕

  • learn all about diaper folding - 学习如何叠尿布

  • have an Irish toothache - 怀孕

  • eating for two - 怀孕中需要额外进食

  • wearing the apron high - 怀孕

  • have a white swelling - 怀孕

  • have a bump in the front - 怀孕

  • with a bay window - 怀孕