
英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-11  



Cuisine - 烹饪

Dish - 菜肴

Recipe - 食谱

Taste - 味道

Flavor - 风味

Ingredients - 食材

Cooking techniques - 烹饪技巧

Culinary preferences - 烹饪偏好

Food presentation - 食物呈现

Gastronomic experience - 美食体验


The dinner party turned into a lively discussion about different cuisines and cooking methods. 


We sampled a variety of dishes and shared our thoughts on the flavors and ingredients used. 


Cooking enthusiasts often gather online to exchange recipes and culinary tips. 


The chef explained the cooking techniques used to prepare the dish, sparking a conversation among the guests. 


Discussing food not only satisfies our taste buds but also brings us closer together as friends and family. 




Food is an essential part of people's daily lives, and discussing meals has become a popular social activity. Through discussing food, people can share cooking techniques, try new dishes, exchange culinary cultures, and deepen their understanding and friendship with each other. At the dining table, people not only enjoy delicious food but also share their stories and feelings, enriching life and promoting emotional connections between people.


❶ 这鱼不新鲜。This fish isn't fresh.

对话 A: This fish isn't fresh. 这鱼不新鲜。

B: Oh! Sorry to hear that! I will change it for you. 哦,很抱歉听到这个!我给你换一份。

❷ 这肉太肥了。This meat is too fatty.

同类表达 The meat is overcooked. 肉做老了。

The soup is too salty for me. 这汤对我来说太咸了。

❸ 这让我反胃。It turns my stomach.

同类表达 I have an upset stomach.

I'm sick to my stomach.

对话 A: It turns my stomach. 这让我反胃。

B: Too oily. 太油了。

❹ 味道很怪。This tastes strange.

对话 A: This tastes strange. What is it? 这味道很怪,是什么?

B: This is our new specialty. Don't you like it? 这是我们新推出的招牌菜。你不喜欢吗?

A: I'm not for it. 我不喜欢。

❺ 要是放点儿盐就更好吃了。It would be more delicious if you put some salt in it.

❻ 这种食物太难消化了。This food is too heavy on my stomach.

同类表达 Greasy food is bad for my digestion. 我吃油腻的食物不好消化。

对话 A: This food is too heavy on my stomach. 这种食物太难消化了。

B: Yeah, don't eat it. 是啊,别吃了。

❼ 这些蔬菜跟没煮过似的。These vegetables are hardly cooked at all.

对话 A: These vegetables are hardly cooked at all. 这些蔬菜跟没煮过似的。

B: A little light for us indeed. 对我们来说确实有点清淡了。

❽ 配菜的量很足。Servings of the side dishes are large.

对话 A: What do you think of this restaurant? 你觉得这家餐厅怎么样?

B: Servings of the side dishes are large. 配菜的量很足。

❾ 很酥脆。It's so crisp.

对话 A: I've never tasted anything as delicious as this. How about you? 我从未吃过这么美味的东西。你呢?

B: It's so crisp. 很酥脆。

❿ 汤很美味。The soup is delicious.