
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-30  



1. Disappointed - 失望的

I was disappointed when I didn't get the job.


2. Disappointment - 失望

The movie was a huge disappointment.


3. Let down - 使失望

He felt let down by his friends.


4. Disillusioned - 幻灭的,不再抱有幻想的

She became disillusioned with the political process.


5. Disheartened - 沮丧的,失去信心的

The team was disheartened after their loss.


6. Underwhelmed - 未被打动的,未感到兴奋的

I was underwhelmed by the performance.


7. Dismay - 沮丧,惊慌

The news caused widespread dismay.


8. Discontent - 不满

There is growing discontent among the employees.


9. Regret - 遗憾

I regret not taking the opportunity when it was offered.


10. Missed opportunity - 错失的机会

The missed opportunity was a source of great disappointment.



A Disappointing Birthday

Last weekend was my birthday, and I had been looking forward to it for weeks. I had planned a small party with my closest friends, and I was excited to see what gifts they would bring. However, the day turned out to be a big disappointment.

The morning started off well, with my family making a special breakfast for me. But as the day went on, I realized that not everyone was going to make it to the party. First, my best friend called to say she had a family emergency and couldn't come. Then, another friend texted that she was feeling unwell. By the time the party started, only a handful of guests had arrived.

Despite the low turnout, we tried to have fun. We played games and ate cake, but the atmosphere was lacking. I couldn't help but feel a little sad and let down. I had hoped for a memorable birthday, but it felt more like any other day.

After the party, I reflected on the situation. It wasn't the guests' fault that they couldn't come; life happens. I realized that I had put too much emphasis on the gifts and the number of attendees. What mattered most was the love and support from those who were there and the memories we made together.

In the end, I learned a valuable lesson: it's not the quantity of friends that matters, but the quality of the relationships. And while I was disappointed, I was also grateful for the friends who did show up and for the family who made my day special.








❶ 真令人失望!What a disappointment!

对话 A: I don't like this movie. 我不喜欢这部电影。

B: What a disappointment! 真令人失望!

❷ 白费力气。It's a waste of effort.

同类表达 It was all for nothing. 都白费了。

He led me on a wild-goose chase. 他让我的努力都白费了。

❸ 我感到绝望。I'm in despair.

同类表达 I'm desperate. 我很绝望。

❹ 我要认输了。I'm throwing in the towel.

对话 A: I'm throwing in the towel. 我要认输了。

B: Come on! Don't give up. 加油!别放弃。

❺ 太遗憾了!What a letdown!

同类表达 I'm disappointed with it. 我感到很失望。

This is disappointing. 真令人扫兴。

What a pity! 太遗憾了!

❻ 太糟糕了!What a bummer!

同类表达 Too bad!

对话 A: I failed the exam. 我考砸了。

B: What a bummer! 太糟糕了!

❼ 不如我原来想的那么好。It wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

同类表达 It's not what I expected. 这可不是我所期望的。

对话 A: How's your trip? 旅行怎么样?

B: It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. 不如我原来想的那么好。

❽ 我白费力了。It was a waste of my effort.

同类表达 My effort was wasted.

All my effort went down the drain.

❾ 你真让我失望。You let me down.

同类表达 You disappointed me.

对话 A: I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding. 对不起,我没能参加你的婚礼。

B: Yeah, you let me down. 是啊,我很失望。

❿ 我给搞砸了。I messed up.

同类表达 I screwed up. 我搞砸了。

It's all my fault. 全都是我的错。