
所属栏目:英语口语    2023-07-28      

Coke on the rocks 可乐加冰 straight up 是不加冰,on the rocks 是加冰. I'd like a straight-up Sprite. 或 Sprite straight up I'd like a Sprite on the rocks I'd like some ice cubes in my coke. 往我可乐里加点冰 加冰的可乐 iced coke, coke with ice 不加冰的,coke without ice Whether on the rocks, straight up or mixed in with your favorite cocktail, vodka has a reputationfor being the life of the party. 不管是加冰、直接喝、还是混在鸡尾酒里面,伏特加有着“派对血液”的美名。