
所属栏目:英语口语    2023-07-27      

change the channel Literally, to switch from one television station (or "channel") to another. 字面上的意思,就是从一个电视台换到另一个电视台。 Never change the channel during the game! We might miss something! 看比赛的时候千万不要换台!万一我们错过什么怎么办! I'm not really paying attention to that show, so feel free to change the channel. 我不是特别想看那个节目,你想换台就换吧。 to switch to some other topic of conversation. 它还有另外一个意思:转移话题。 Just a minute. I think you changed the channel. Let's go back to the part about you owing me money. 等一下,我觉得你好像转移话题了。咱们重新说说你欠我钱的事儿吧。