- 作个最高法院的法官,不同于作个社区大学的学生或赫芬顿邮报的专栏作家。
- Being a supreme court justice isn 't like being a community-college student or a huffington post columnist .
- 而且即使在战后德国宪法法院的权力受到了限制,但德国的法学在欧洲和世界的很多地方还是有着一定影响力。
- Moreover , even as the constitutional court has been shaping post-war germany , german jurisprudence has spread to affect europe and much of the world .
- 同样针对这份报告,美国外国情报监控法庭(ForeignIntelligenceSurveillanceCourt)的首席法官向《邮报》表示,法庭的监管能力也是有限的。
- Commenting on the same report , the chief judge of the foreign intelligence surveillance court told the post that the court 's oversight capabilities were limited . "