- 如果在我口中的就是我的。
- If its in my mouth , it 's mine .
- 口语人的嘴有三种主要功能。
- The human mouth has three major functions .
- 口腔细菌会影响心脏吗?
- Can mouth bacteria affect the heart ?
- 这个方面呢,一定要治理部门跟这个企业要紧密的配合。
- This respect , must management department wants to cooperate cheek by jowl with this enterprise .
- 你无法从那群人中穿过去,他们那里挤得水泄不通。
- You will never get through that crowd of people ; they are packed in there cheek by jowl .
- 小说如果和诗歌以及哲学紧密联系的话将会变得更好。
- Fiction will be much the better for standing cheek by jowl with poetry and philosophy .
- 切叶蚁用大下巴切碎植物和树叶,但它们并不吃树叶。
- Leafcutter ants have large jaws to cut through plant and tree leaves , but they do not eat leaves .
- ”而另一个人的头则是侧着的,一块更大的石头穿嘴而过,几乎让他的咽喉都错位“,他补充道。
- " The other had his head turned to the side and had an even larger stone wedged quite violently into his mouth so that his jaws were almost dislocated , " he added .
- 其它标志影响力的生理特征包括小眼睛、小嘴唇以及大脸庞和方下巴。
- Other physical features that signal dominance include narrow eyes and lips , as well as broad faces and square jaws .