- 祥子不晓得这个,只当是头一天恰巧赶上宅里这么忙,于是又没说什么,而自己掏腰包买了几个烧饼。
- Xiangzi , not knowing this , thought this first day just happened to be a busy one . So again he said nothing and forked out his own money to buy some griddle cakes .
- 安德森媒没有发明汉堡包(此书巧妙地绕过了那个争论);他只是把烹饪标准化了,他把数十个事先称过、造好型的肉饼放在一个特制的平底锅里马上煎好后就放入了专门烤制的圆面包里。
- He did not invent the hamburger ( this book wisely steers around that controversy ) ; he merely standardized its production , cooking dozens of pre-weighed , pre-shaped burgers at once on a dedicated griddle , and serving them on specially designed buns .
- 北欧洁具咬大小不粘密肋扒炉新。
- Nordic ware bite size nonstick waffle griddle new .