- 媳妇在床上等了一晚上,不见淘气上来,就起来看看,一看淘气做的那诗,气的一把拿过来,柔成一团,放到怀里就睡了。
- Daughter-in-law is in the bed is classy one in the evening , do not see archness comes up , rise look , read that poem that archness does , one angry is taken , soft into posse , put in the bosom to sleep .
- 晚上,人们有时在餐馆里品尝多汁的美味明虾,有时在shattal-arab温和的岸边一直呆到午夜,如果这是在巴格达底格里斯河的岸边,仍然是不可想象的。
- People eat juicy prawns in restaurants in the evening , sometimes sitting out past midnight on the balmy banks of the shatt al-arab ; it is still unthinkable in baghdad to relax on the edge of the tigris .
- 该片当晚在12项提名中摘得四项大奖:最佳影片,科林菲斯最佳男演员,大卫赛德勒最佳原创故事片,在半个晚上的紧张与失落中最终获得最佳导演的汤姆霍伯。
- The film picked up four of the key awards of the evening from its 12 nominations : for best film , best actor for colin firth , best original screenplay for david seidler and , in the evening 's one semi-upset , best director for tom hooper .