- 他们从老师和外界专家那里学习,例如nancygale,她拥有一家制作手提袋的环保型企业。
- They learn from teachers and outside experts like nancy gale . She owns an environmentally friendly business that makes handbags .
- 一些专家说,人体为保护自身健康,必须学会承受部分细菌存在。
- Some experts say the body must learn to tolerate germs to protect itself from health problems .
- 政治家和商业专家们花了大量时间来赞美和研究诺基亚为什么会崛起,他们也该花同样多的时间去研究它为什么会失败。
- Politicians and business experts spent a lot of time praising nokia and trying to learn from its rise . They should devote as much time studying the lessons of its downfall .