chasin 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- L 'd like for you to meet doctors bryan chasin .
- 希望你见布莱恩查新医生。
- Smart move . Keeps us from chasin ' 'em.
- 明智的举动。阻止我们追赶它们。
- When we played tag in grade school you wanted to be it when chasin ' boys was just a fad , you crossed your heart , you 'd quit when we grew up you traded your promise for my ring now just like back in grade school you 're doin ' the same old thing .
- 上小学时我们玩捉迷藏你总要当被捉的当流行追求男生时你发誓你不玩了当我们长大后你以诺言换取我的戒指如今犹如回到小学时代你又故伎重演。
- You go on chasin after rainbows .
- 你继续在追逐后的彩虹。
- I don 't live my life for money , fame or chasin your carrots .
- 我不会为了金钱、名誉,或追逐你的报酬而活。
- You ought to be home protectin the rights of poor folk , not out chasin after us .
- 你应该在家保护那些穷人们的权利,而不是在外面追逐我们。
- You ought to be home protectin the rights of poor folk , not out chasin after us !
- 你应当在家掩护那些穷人们的权利,而不是在外面追逐我们。