- 该集团可能会获得90天的缓刑。
- The group will probably get its 90-day reprieve .
- 这个突如其来的缓刑在最近一波令人不安的暴力浪潮中可见端倪。
- The sudden hint of a reprieve followed a disturbing recent rise in violence .
- 相反他们都被吸纳到服务贝鲁斯科尼先生狭隘的观念中,即在法律上获得暂时缓刑,或者说是凭借特权获取利益。
- Instead they have been absorbed in serving mr berlusconi 's narrow concerns-to gain a reprieve from the law , say , or to help a favoured interest .
- 过去几个月,欧元危机的风波暂缓了一阵儿。
- The respite in the euro crisis lasted a few short months .
- 大概在暂缓一段时间和一些气候灾难之前,它将再一次开始执行,它确实应该这样。
- Perhaps , after a period of respite and a few climatic disasters , it will get going again . It certainly should .
- 因此浓密的数据烟雾将不会有多少缓解,一些研究者担心这些数据烟雾可能是有毒的。
- So there will be little respite from the dense data smog , which some researchers fear may be poisonous .