- 这种提升能持续多久?
- How long can this continue ?
- 本周协商会持续举行。
- Those talks continue this week .
- 这一倾向很可能持续下去。
- This trend will likely continue .
- 所以这项工作要慢慢进行。
- So it is having to proceed slowly .
- 事实上,大部分的猜测都是直接从简单的生物学出发的。
- In fact , most of its assumptions proceed directly from simple biology .
- 然而与此同时,我们在种种新的监管方案之间应当谨慎前进。
- Yet at the same time , we should proceed cautiously on massive new regulations .
- 不是现在因为在继续之前我们要先核实。
- Not now -- because we need to verify before continuation .
- 不过,人们不愿看到赤字继续维持在这样的水平上。
- Nevertheless , continuation of such deficits is undesirable .
- 因为让贝卢斯科尼先生继续留任来给意大利带来政治上的稳定简直就是痴人说梦。
- For the stability that mr berlusconi 's continuation in office offers is illusory .