- 这将是一个尴尬的配对。
- This would be an awkward pairing .
- 我们都希望给人留下好的第一印象而且不要陷入一种尴尬的谈话中。
- We all want to make a good first impression and not get stuck in an awkward conversation .
- 车慢慢地滑行停在我房子外面,接下来是一段令人尴尬的沉默。
- The car slithers to a halt outside my house and there is a moment of awkward silence .
- 然后让我的手感到沉重。
- Feel my hands get heavy .
- 重型汽车经过这座桥会很危险。
- This bridge was dangerous for heavy cars .
- 该国曾经尽力建造重型坦克和轻型战斗机。
- It struggled to make heavy tanks and light combat aircraft .
- 但这是一个笨拙的内阁。
- But it was a clumsy one .
- 还说这次针对恩赫巴亚尔的拙劣行动带有政治动机。
- The move against mr enkhbayar , he says , was both clumsy and politically motivated .
- 一些人看起来很优雅,而另一些人则显得笨拙。
- Some look elegant , while others look awkward and clumsy .
- 因此,包括报纸在内那些认为财阀过于笨重为不能很好经营现代企业的人都欠这些财阀一个道歉。
- So the chaebol are certainly due an apology from those , including this newspaper , who thought they would be too unwieldy for modern business .
- 由于很难一手拿住庞大的excite13,我费很大的劲才能用另一只手触摸屏幕调整拍摄设置。
- Since it is hard to hold the unwieldy excite 13 with just one hand , I struggled to tap the screen to adjust photo settings .
- 过去,你想使用免提模式接听电话,你不得不带上像《星际迷航》中那样的笨重耳机。
- Once upon a time if you wanted to use your phone hands-free you were forced to look like an extra from star trek with an unwieldy earpiece hanging from your head .