- 但是女王肯定是一个标志。
- But a symbol she certainly is .
- 这是智力多任务化的标志。
- It is the symbol of intellectual multi-tasking .
- 他们不也是被看作品牌标志的吗?
- Aren 't they supposed to be the symbol ?
- 这次飞行将标记为两个航天器的第一次飞行。
- The launch will mark the first flight for both vehicles .
- 现在再看看这上面的印记。
- Now look at the mark on this .
- 马克在学校里是人气王。
- Mark was popular at school .
- url可以使绝对url,哈希识别符,或者一个相对url。
- The url can be an absolute url , a hash identifier , or a relative url .
- 首先要从internet信息服务(iis)管理器中获取网站标识符,点击“网站”根节点,右侧“标识符”显示的就是网站的id。
- To get a website id from internet information services manager , click the ' web sites ' node and check the column ' identifier ' for the id. the default website always has the id 1 .
- 另一方面,大家穿衣打扮趋同(即衫裤套装),实在很难把人区分清楚,所以往往是衣服的配饰成了标识符,比方说:“本人就是用红色钱包的那位。”
- On the other hand , fashion conformity ( aka the black trouser suit ) makes it hard to distinguish one person from the next , and it is usually an accessory that serves as an identifier : " I 'm the one with the red purse . "
- 分隔符通常是一个逗号。
- The delimiter is usually a comma .
- 指定目标文件中的列分隔符。
- Specify the column delimiter in the destination file .
- 指定目标文件中的行分隔符。
- Specify the row delimiter in the destination file .