- 51岁的科林斯先生口袋里总是装着一个秒表,以及3个独立的计时器,每回变换活动时,他都会停止或者启动这些仪器。
- Mr. collins , who is 51 , keeps a stopwatch with three separate timers in his pocket at all times , stopping and starting them as he switches activities .
- 思慧有一次在学校的乘法速算测验中拿了第二,蔡美儿一个星期让她每晚做20道题,拿秒表计时。
- When sophia came in second on a multiplication speed test at school , chua made her do 20 practice tests every night for a week , clocking her with a stopwatch .
- nano的时钟功能依然带有秒表和计时器模式,当然,你可以在查看时钟时向左划动进入。
- The nano 's clock feature still includes stopwatch and timer modes which , of course , you access by swiping to the left when viewing the clock .
- 无论哪种方式,你还能拥有手表的第二种功能,如天,星期和计时表。
- Either way , you 'll be up to the second with the day , date and a chronograph .
- 忠忠新住宅模型图计时手表卡西欧太阳能收音机。
- Tadashi tadashi chronograph watch chart new national model casio solar radio .
- 这款表并不满足于上述功能,它还安装了体温计、能量储存指示器和计时器。
- Not content with all this , the watch would also be fitted with a thermometer , a power reserve indicator and a chronograph function .