- 水鼠一直和水獭聊着河岸边的事情,因此鼹鼠开始和獾交谈。
- The rat and the otter were having a long conversation about river-bank matters , so the mole began to talk to the badger .
- 红河南起布瓦德苏河(南部,图片右下角)和蜿蜒曲折、排水欠佳的奥特泰尔河(东部,图片右侧)汇流处,在北达科他州及明尼苏达之间向北流动。
- The red river flows north between north dakota and minnesota from the confluence of the bois de sioux river ( south , image lower right ) and the less well-drained , meandering otter tail river ( east , image right ) .
- 水鼠一直和水獭聊着河岸边的事情,因此鼹鼠开始和獾交谈。
- The rat and the otter were having a long conversation about river-bank matters , so the mole began to talk to the badger .
- 我马上就要休假了。我想我会去黄山放松一下。
- It is my vacation soon , I think ill go to huang shan to relax .
- 糯玉米新品种陕白糯11的选育研究。
- Breeding of new waxy corn variety shan bainuo no.11 .
- 及时生产为汕头港一公司注入活力。
- Seasonable production is shan head harbor vigor of one company infuse .