- 然而,挽回非洲南部国家因为对津巴布韦外交失败而丧失的信誉,与救助可怜的津巴布韦人民截然不同。
- Yet saving the credibility of southern africa 's failed diplomacy on zimbabwe is not the same as saving the wretched people of zimbabwe .
- 因此,这场驱逐首先是对该地区脆弱的人道主义生命线的一次沉重打击,正是这些救援活动才使得达尔富尔冲突中悲惨的受害者们生存下来。
- So this move is , above all , a huge blow to the fragile humanitarian lifeline that has been keeping the wretched victims of the darfur conflict alive .
- 但是,更深层的问题在于组织层面:可怜的煤炭巨头很少能够通过国有的铁路系统将产品运送到(大多数是)国有的发电厂。
- But the deeper problem is organisational : a wretched public coal monopoly gets too little of its product distributed by the state-run railways to ( mostly ) state-run power stations .
- 希腊债券仍然延续着令人痛心的交易价格水平。
- Greek bonds continued to trade at distressed levels .
- 这种贷款引起了信贷机构和倍感苦恼的对冲基金的兴趣,它们表示,在当今收益率普遍较低的市况中,这类资产充满了吸引力。
- Such loans have attracted attention from credit and distressed hedge funds , who say the assets are attractive in a low-yield world .
- 最令电影发烧友痛心的可能不是电影发行量的整体削减,而是在这样的情况下制片商可以提供的影片质量和类型。
- Film buffs are likely to be most distressed not by the overall cut in films on release , but by the quality and nature of what will be on offer .