
ac 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If you need to run the ac you can have the unit serviced by a professional to make sure it is operating in tip-top shape .
- 如果你需要打开空调你可以求助于专业单位使它达到最佳状态。
- Beneath the playfield , most stern machines have a subwoofer and an internal ac outlet that technicians can use to connect a soldering iron or flashlight while making repairs .
- 在玩的区域下面多数的斯特恩的机器有一个重低音喇叭和一个内部交流电插座渠道技术人员可以使用去连接一个电烙铁或手电筒当做修理时。
- The reason was that over the short distances spanned by early power grids , ac transmission suffers lower losses than dc . It thus became the industry standard .
- 原因是:在流经早期短距离电网时,交流电耗损比直流电小,之后便成为工业标准。
- Edison 's marketing men electrocuted animals in public to demonstrate the supposed dangers of ac , and attempted to introduce the word " westinghoused " , meaning " electrocuted " , into popular parlance ( without success ) .
- 爱迪生的销售人员当着公众的面电死动物,以证明交流电的危险,同时,还用介把“电刑”(不过没有成功)通俗地称为“威斯汀豪斯”。
- The backbone would radiate from the southwest toward the nation 's borders . The lines would terminate at converter stations where the power would be switched to ac and sent along existing regional transmission lines that supply customers .
- 而这些骨干网络将会从西南地区辐射整个国家直到当地的转换站切换成交流电然后沿着区域线路发送给当地的客户。
- His ac induction motor , patented in 1888 , has transformed how electricity is used .
- 他的交流感应电机在1888年获得专利,这一发明改变了电的使用方式。
- Replaced the ac filter , applied pest control spay , replaced fire alarm batteries , etc.
- 换了空调过滤网,喷了杀虫药,给火灾报警器换了电池,等等。
- Bushing transformer must be checked before installation , porcelain pieces have no cracks and damage , carefully remove the dirt , and make ac withstand voltage test .
- 变压器用套管在安装前,必须检查瓷件有无裂纹和损伤,仔细地清除污垢,并做交流耐压试验。
- Modern ac induction motors usually have three ( or more ) sets of stator windings , which smooths things out and allows more torque to be generated .
- 现代交流感应发动机通常有三组(或更多)定子线圈,使各程序平稳,并允许生成更多扭转力。
- Air conditioning is a big reason cities and suburbs can be built they way they way they are , but the cost of running an ac is high and the cost to the environment is even higher .
- 空调是城市及郊区可以如此构建的重要原因,但空调的耗能很大而且代价是外部环境温度越来越高。