Yet saving the credibility of southern africa 's failed diplomacy on zimbabwe is not the same as saving the wretched people of zimbabwe .
So this move is , above all , a huge blow to the fragile humanitarian lifeline that has been keeping the wretched victims of the darfur conflict alive .
But the deeper problem is organisational : a wretched public coal monopoly gets too little of its product distributed by the state-run railways to ( mostly ) state-run power stations .
She will almost certainly respond to your new chilly style by making your life wretched .
Yet that need not beattie contrasts how much more cannily botswana has managed its diamond wealth compared with sierra leone 's wretched squanderings .
Ethiopia and others may well prefer to see a weak and wretched somalia rather than a united and islamist one .
The hour when ye say : " what good is my reason ! Doth it long for knowledge as the lion for his food ? It is poverty and pollution and wretched self - complacency ! "