- 预计大雨和汹涌水势对这个地区的影响持续几天。
- Heavy rains and surging waters were expected to affect the region for days .
- 汹涌的专利行为使得美国专利局超过负荷,这样使得申请专利的过程更漫长了(见图表)。
- Surging patent activity has overwhelmed the us patent office , which is taking ever longer to process applications ( see chart ) .
- 还有一些人对美国的抗议者表达了同情,这在一个正在同自身汹涌的资本主义和主要机构权利过大现象作斗争的国家是可以理解的。
- Still others sympathized with the protesters , which is perhaps understandable in a nation grappling with its own surging brand of capitalism and where major institutions hold so much power .
- 印度和巴西只是高傲。
- India and brazil can be haughty .
- 我也许就要捍卫评论行业了,但是小部分自大的被雇用的评论者不再对书籍定性评论也未必不是一件好事。
- I might defend the reviewing trade , but a handful of haughty hired hands no longer having the last word on books is not a bad thing .
- 他傲慢,他自大,他夸耀自己的价值,他让你觉得尴尬且难以应付。
- His haughty , arrogant and grandiose worth of himself , is very embarrassing to deal with .
- 从六月到九月浸泡印度的雨水对印度经济来说至关重要。
- The rains that inundate india from june to september are crucial to the country 's economy .
- 这一巨大的浪潮来自宇宙空间,将淹没整个地球。
- This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth .
- 与气候相关的潜在威胁包括暴风雨增多可能淹没沿海地区以及持久的高温天气可能使大面积水泥铺设的城市要比周边地区温度高。
- Potential threats associated with climate include storm surges that can inundate coastal areas and prolonged hot weather that can heat heavily paved cities more than surrounding areas .
- 当毁灭虫族建筑可以释放一个简短而致命的群过去。
- When destroyed , zerg buildings can release a brief but deadly swarm of broodlings .
- 在这种情况下,第二波蜂群也会从原来的蜂巢飞走。
- In those cases , a second swarm can fly away from the original location .
- 当它们返回自己的蜂群时,每个侦察蜂都表演了一段来回摆动的舞蹈,表示要求其它侦察蜂也去看看。
- When they returned to the swarm , each performed a waggle dance urging other scouts to go have a look .
- Oldpantouwasawardedtheunitednationsindustrialdevelopmentorganization.
- 包头 市 可持续 发展 定量 研究 生态 足迹 分析 法 。
- Evenifyouareoneofthebeststudentsinclass,inordertomaintaintourgradestoumustreviesyourlessonsoften.
- 老 潘头 公司 获 联合 国 工业 发展 组织 资助 。
- Themostsexy"vongirl"toushizhuangdressdevilfigureglance.
- 即使 你 是 班 上 最好 的 学生 之一 , 要 保住 成绩 也 得 常常 温习 功课 才 行 。
- 韩寒开玩笑道,如果有的话那么就是他嫉妒黄。
- If anything , han han jokes , he is jealous of huang .
- 黄市长提到房产税收入将用于政府补贴的低收入居民住房。
- Huang said that property tax revenues will be used for government-subsidized housing for low-income residents .
- 但是就像黄某某事件展示出来的,博客水军也是处于严格控制的。
- But the blogger army is on a deceptively short leash as huang 's case illustrates .