- 美国人历来喜欢较松的系统。
- Americans have traditionally preferred it loose .
- 我不相信麦尔斯还没有把身上的绳索拉松一些。
- I wonder if miles hasn 't pulled loose from his own tether .
- 它们缠绕在一起,就像松散的线球。
- They 're intertwined like balls of loose twine .
- 现在它当前为新目标的意图空洞而暧昧。
- So far its current attempts at a new mission have been fluffy and noncommittal .
- 如果你注意到自己大约每隔6个月就会开始做一项新计划,那么你的目标就太不明确。
- If you notice that you keep starting over every 6 months or so , you 're being way too noncommittal .
- 其它银行仍未明确表示它们获得的联邦资助中将有多少用于发放新贷款。
- Other banks remain noncommittal about how much of their federal help will go toward new loans .
- 那么北约有可能不得不在利比亚东部无限期的保留一块保护地区。
- Nato might then have to maintain a protectorate in eastern libya for an indefinite period .
- 上述的噩梦当下一届总统通过行政命令提高黄金价格,并在一个不确定的期间内“暂停”兑换而终止。
- The above nightmare ends when the next president raises the price of gold by executive order and " suspends " convertibility for an indefinite period .
- 法国和意大利的规定应该会持续到11月11日,比利时和西班牙的规定则不确定。
- The rules in france and italy are likely to stay in place until november 11th ; those in belgium and spain are indefinite .