Nato might then have to maintain a protectorate in eastern libya for an indefinite period .
The above nightmare ends when the next president raises the price of gold by executive order and " suspends " convertibility for an indefinite period .
The rules in france and italy are likely to stay in place until november 11th ; those in belgium and spain are indefinite .
Children of men compressed increasing militarism , class warfare , indefinite terrorism and civic collapse into a too-near nightmare that can still keep you awake at night .
The old social contract , with a weak , passive middle class enriching itself while staying out of politics , cannot become an indefinite right to rule .
The suspension could be indefinite , although the rules for " single brand " shops may yet be relaxed .
However , mr lee also said that a " sustained , calibrated inflow " of immigrants was the only way for singapore to maintain its international competitiveness , adding " singapore will need new immigrants for the indefinite future " .