- 没有人曾经被汗淹死。
- No one ever drowned in sweat .
- 跑步释放的不止是汗水。
- Running releases more than just sweat .
- 你睡觉的时候经常把床汗湿了吗?
- Do you frequently sweat the bed ?
- 当你流汗的时候觉得疼吗?
- Is there pain with your perspiration ?
- 当你起床的时候常常会感到口渴,那是因为你睡觉的时候呼吸和出汗丧失了水分。
- When you wake up you will often be thirsty because your body loses water while you are sleeping through breathing and perspiration .
- 穿棉袜或者羊毛袜(它们更易吸收汗水)和皮鞋而不是合成的材料制成的袜子和鞋子。
- Wear cotton or wool socks ( which absorb more perspiration ) and canvass or leather shoes rather than synthetic ones .