- 了解瞿先生的知情人表示,瞿与上述两名官员的关系非常密切,特别因为《体坛周报》是在该局名下注册的。
- Sources who know mr qu well said he was close to both officials , especially because titan sports was registered under the authority .
- 屈说她可以让国外的朋友寄一个给她,“但是我想我最好在这里买,因为我不想欠别人一个人情。”
- Qu said she could have asked a friend abroad to send her one , " but I think it 's better to get the product here , because I don 't want to owe somebody a favor . "
- 总部位于南非的media24部分拥有体坛传媒集团,而瞿先生通过由他指导的一次资产分配,他和许多自身雇员得到了数目不等的公司股份。
- The titan media group is partly owned by south africa-based media 24 , and mr qu and many veteran employees owned different-sized stakes through a redistribution of assets he directed .