- 执行部门的分支机构也需要改变。
- The executive branch also needs to change .
- 有一次我去一个跟丹佛似的分行。
- I was out visiting a branch in the equivalent of denver .
- 这一领域的一个分支是量子计算机。
- One branch of the field is quantum computing .
- 另一个试图将煮熟的榆树枝插入体内,用勺柄弄出胎儿。
- Another tried by herself to insert a boiled elm twig , followed by a spoon handle .
- 她用很实际的方法,扫来一小块灰尘,又从鸽子巢里捡出的一根树枝,在地上给他画起地图来。
- And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust , and with a twig from a pigeon 's nest began drawing a map on the floor .
- 她停下脚步用双筒望远镜开始观察:它小心地取来一根树枝,折弯,捋掉树叶,最后把它伸进洞里。
- So she stopped and watched the animal through her binoculars as he carefully took a twig , bent it , stripped it of its leaves , and finally stuck it into the nest .
- 我买了两个苹果.
- I have bough two apples .
- 河里漂着一个大树枝。
- A bough floats in the river .
- 缺少一根或多根大树枝。
- Lack a bough or boughs .
- 采用“倒逐龄级累加法”(raa)和邻接格子样方法,研究海子坪天然毛竹无性系种群克隆生长格局和无性系分株克隆生长型动态。
- Clonal growth pattern of natural phyllostachys pubescens population and the clonal growth form of ramets ( percentage of ramet with single axis within a clone ) in haiziping were studied by using the method of reverse age class addition ( raa ) and contiguous grid plot .
- 图4不同种群密度下株高的季节变化。
- Fig. 4 changes of ramet height under different population densities .
- 3个构件的可溶性糖含量在分株年龄间的比较。
- Table 1 comparison of soluble sugar content of 3 modules among ramet .