Another tried by herself to insert a boiled elm twig , followed by a spoon handle .
And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust , and with a twig from a pigeon 's nest began drawing a map on the floor .
So she stopped and watched the animal through her binoculars as he carefully took a twig , bent it , stripped it of its leaves , and finally stuck it into the nest .
Singing is the last thing that robins do . When they have done their daily work ; when they have flown their last flight , and picked up their last morsel of food , then on a topmost twig , they sing one song of praise .
Studencice , slovenia : a dragonfly sits on a twig
Some would fray one end of the twig so that it could penetrate between the teeth more effectively .
A bird fiies over stopping on a twig and looking the paddy field which will ripe into the distance .
So the copernicus commissioned a special poll to try and twig why these bright young things don 't visit , and what could be done in order to draw them in .