- 第二便是抛下偏见,重新找到搁置主权争议的方法。
- A second safeguard is to rediscover ways to shelve disputes over sovereignty , without prejudice .
- 当一个软件公司希望搁置它正在开发一种产品,纳雅尔已经率领hcl接管了该项目未来可能获得的收益份额。
- When a software client wanted to shelve a product it was developing , nayar had hcl take over the project in exchange for a share of its future revenues .
- 间谍软件及其新兄弟背叛者软件,将会对客户和公司两者都造成伤害苹果应于它尚未对其客户和自身产生事与愿违的后果前搁置这一想法。
- Spyware , and its new cousin traitorware , will hurt customers and companies alike - apple should shelve this idea before it backfires on both it and its customers .
- 哈珀与林顿的胜利究竟是会消除还是会中止中间力量,接下来的几年便可揭晓。
- The next few years may show whether mr harper 's victory and mr layton 's success has eliminated the mushy middle , or merely placed it in abeyance .
- 印度禁止13岁以下的儿童当仆人,但这项否决目前仍被搁置。
- India banned children under the age of 13 from working as domestic servants , but this veto is practised more in abeyance .
- 他还提供证据,表明萨达姆“并未放弃大规模杀伤性武器战略,只是出于权宜之计,将该计划暂时搁置。”
- He also presents evidence that saddam " had not abandoned the strategy of wmd , merely made a tactical decision to put it into abeyance " .
- 为什么我们当放下各样重担和罪呢?
- Why should we lay aside every weight and sin ?
- 她把报纸放在一边,看起电视新闻来了。
- She lay aside the newspaper and watch the news on tv .
- 她把书放在一边去接电话.
- She lay aside her book and went to answer the phone .