- 新西兰币触及了1985年浮动以来的最高水平,储备银行对汇市进行干涉以使其走软。
- It intervened in foreign-exchange markets to weaken a currency that had hit its highest level since it was floated in 1985 .
- 独树一帜的小型congressionaleffect共同基金经理辛格(ericsinger)从近40年前黄金开始自由浮动起一直在跟踪黄金价格。
- Eric singer , manager of the tiny , offbeat congressional effect mutual fund , has followed the gold price since it first floated freely nearly 40 years ago .
- 在地球轨道上将漂浮着几百人的空间站,宇航员乘坐一艘新的宇宙飞船来回于月球基地与空间站之间。
- Hundred-man space stations would have floated in earth orbit , and astronauts would have been ferried back and forth to a moon base on the new spaceships .