- 各商学院和南非高等教育委员会目前正展开讨论,希望为这场辩论找到一个友好的解决方案。
- The business schools and the che are in discussions to find an amicable solution to the debate .
- 这对夫妇在2008年左右分居,2010年离婚(雷米斯称之为友好分手)。
- The couple separated around 2008 and their divorce , which mr. remis contends was amicable , was finalized in 2010 .
- 赛肯认为,要是福特和克莱斯勒也与联合汽车工人工会达成类似的友好协定的话,这种想法很有可能实现。
- Mr shaiken thinks this is fairly likely , so long as ford and chrysler reach similarly amicable deals with the uaw .