- 面向国内的金融举措日益泛滥,意味着国际金融体系不仅处于割裂状态,还可能全面瓦解。
- The proliferation of domestic - oriented finance measures not only fragments the international financial system , but risks its disintegration .
- 他们必须减少通货紧缩与通货膨胀,违约与崩溃的危险。
- They will have to discount the prospects of deflation and inflation default and disintegration .
- 一些列不确定性明显扩大:市场同时需要减少通胀、违约以及崩溃。
- The range of uncertainties is unusually wide : markets need to discount inflation default and disintegration all at the same time .
- 在反应溅镀过程中,必须先了解化学吸附过程发生於靶材或基材表面上。
- In reactive sputtering process , the chemical adsorption took place on the target or substrate surface should be understood .
- 我能听见油在锅中劈啪作响。
- I could hear the fat sputtering in the pan .
- 那只鹅在烤箱里,烤得脂肪噼啪作响。
- The goose is in the oven , sputtering fat .
- 但是他的时代最终走向瓦解。
- Yet his era led to collapse .
- 金融崩溃则需要更多的救助。
- Financial collapse threatens further bailouts .
- 俄罗斯在历经communism瓦解之后的特殊境况可谓独一无二。
- Russia 's particular circumstances after communism 's collapse make it unique .
- 她是猛烈智慧欲望妓院的女主人。
- She is the proprietress of the brothel for slaking intellectual lusts .
- 墨西哥、英国和挪威这些在满足市场石油需求方面扮演着重要角色的国家的出口也在下降。
- Oil exports from mexico , britain and norway -- all of which have played major roles in slaking the world 's oil thirst -- also are falling .