- 星期日使她们逃离整日的家务整理和儿童保育,这两项工作常常是黎明即起深夜方息。
- Sunday offers an escape from long days of housekeeping and child care , which often start at dawn and stretch well into the evening .
- 我很确定你将听到从管理家务到家庭破灭的各种各样的回答。
- I 'm pretty sure that everything from housekeeping to home wrecking would be covered in the responses you 'll hear .
- 另外,他们要求太多,要求妻子长相姣好,照顾孩子,外出工作,干好家务。
- Besides , they demand too much . A wife should look good , take care of children , go to work and do housekeeping .
- 设法在持家的同时做一份全职工作。
- Managed to juggle a full-time job and homemaking .
- 直接去家政公司咨询!
- Go to homemaking company seeking advice directly !
- 许多女士仍旧强调持家的重要。
- Many women still place emphasis on the importance of homemaking .