- 毕竟,或许新娘会穿的好比童话里的公主一般,但至少她身上不会有一些奇奇怪怪的既不属于21世纪也不属于19世纪的服装标志。
- After all , though she may be dressed like a fairy tale , at least she isn 't wearing strange sartorial symbols that are neither here ( 21st century ) nor there ( 19th century ) .
- 就在听说“水牛门”事件的几天前,我读到了另一则故事,里面讲到了商务旅行对健康造成的离奇危险。
- Only days before hearing about the goring incident I read another tale about the strange perils to health from business travel .
- 穆罕默德布亚齐兹墓前可以看到突尼斯国旗和烈士碑文。
- Muhammad bouazizi 's grave is marked by a tunisian flag and a martyr 's epitaph .
- 加特林机枪的最好墓志铭,以及机枪后来者的墓志铭,可能要属《撒母耳记》中的言语这些也被刻在了伦敦海德公园的机枪军团的墓碑上“扫罗杀敌成百上千,但大卫杀敌却成千上万。”
- The best epitaph for it , and for the refined versions it inspired , is probably the verse taken from the book of samuel and inscribed on the monument to the machine gun corps at london 's hyde park corner : " saul hath slain his thousands , but david his tens of thousands . "
- 现在就为私人股本撰写墓志铭,还为时过早。
- It is too early to write private equity 's epitaph .