- 地壳均衡的概念对地学的研究有着极大的影响,特别是在大地测量学和地球动力学中发挥了重要作用。
- The conception of crustal isostasy produces a great effect to the geo-scientific research ; especially take an important role in the studies of geodesy and geodynamics .
- 地壳大部分处于重力均衡,它们好象是漂浮在下伏致密层(软地壳均衡说:流层)上一样;可用来对主要地形做出解释。
- Isostasy : the gravitational balance of large portions of the earth 's crust as though they were floating on a denser underlying layer ; it thus accounts for major topography .
- 那时,经济处于好的均衡状态。
- The economy is then in a good equilibrium .
- 无生命星球通过地质轮回来达到平衡。
- Dead planets find equilibrium by geological circuits .
- 然而一种货币的均衡价值对这项评估高度敏感。
- Yet the equilibrium value of a currency is highly sensitive to this assessment .