
v.毁坏或亵渎( desecrate的过去式和过去分词 )
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- Many desecrated shrines and cemeteries .
- 许多被亵渎的神殿和墓地。
- You have despised my holy things and desecrated my sabbaths .
- 你藐视了我的圣物、干犯了我的安息日。
- He desecrated topheth , which was in the valley of ben hinnom , so no one could use it to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire to molech .
- 又污秽欣嫩子谷的陀斐特,不许人在那里使儿女经火献给摩洛;
- They shed innocent blood , the blood of their sons and daughters , whom they sacrificed to the idols of canaan , and the land was desecrated by their blood .
- 流无辜人的血,就是自己儿女的血,把他们祭祀迦南的偶像,那地就被血污秽了。
- My dark brothers , since we have landed on this holy plant which you have desecrated , you have been at war with us .
- 黑暗的兄弟们,自从我们降落到这被你们冒渎的神圣星球,你们一直与我们征战。
- On the very day they sacrificed their children to their idols , they entered my sanctuary and desecrated it .
- 他们杀了儿女献与偶像,当天又入我的圣所,将圣所亵渎了。
- Vandals desecrated 148 muslim graves at a french cemetery for soldiers who fought in the first world war .
- 破坏者在埋葬一战阵亡士兵的法国公墓亵渎148座穆斯林墓坟。
- She felt as if her soul were going to be desecrated by him in his present mood .
- 她觉得他在目前这种心情下会使他的灵魂受到亵渎。
- I will put an end to the pride of the mighty , and their sanctuaries will be desecrated .
- 我必使强暴人的骄傲止息,他们的圣所都要被亵渎。
- Whoever eats it will be held responsible because he has desecrated what is holy to the lord ; that person must be cut off from his people .
- 凡吃的人、必担当他的罪孽、因为他亵渎了耶和华的圣物、那人必从民中剪除。