- 我将所有的悲伤和心痛也体现在走路中。
- I gather all my sorrow and heartbreak into my walking .
- 但如何表达这种悲伤就是另一回事了。
- Yet expressing that sorrow is a different matter .
- 我很容易受到悲哀或悲伤的事情影响,也很容易受到喜悦和美的事物影响。
- I am very affected by any sorrow or sad thing , and I am very affected by joy and beauty .
- 当维多利亚女王亲爱的丈夫艾伯特在1861年突然去世,她非常的伤心,知道她40年后死去她都一直穿着丧服。
- When her beloved husband albert died suddenly in 1861 , victoria went into mourning until her death 40 years later .
- 当还是孩子的时候,我的同辈表亲们就要为死去的人们诵经,并且去感知这些身着丧服的人们的需要。
- Since they were children , my cousins have held wakes , chanted sutras over dead bodies , and anticipated the needs of those in mourning .
- 在禁止诸如葬礼围巾和做工精良的丧服这些东西方面,殖民地居民似乎一直无能为力,好像对英国商品的渴望本身就是镇压这种渴望的工具。
- In banning such items as funeral scarves and elaborate mourning dress the colonists seem to have been admitting to powerlessness as if their desire for british goods were itself the instrument of their subjugation .
- 他们的悲痛之源是谁?
- The source of their grief ?
- 她的悲痛早就无影无踪了。
- Her grief has long since disappeared .
- 她们恐惧悲痛,如癫似狂。
- They were frantic with fear and grief .
- 这是让经济学家感到遗憾的又一个理由。
- This is one more reason to pity economists .
- 生活是很短暂的,不要老是怜悯。
- Life is too short for long pity parties .
- 因失败而感受到的震骇和怜悯仍然能引起共鸣。
- The shock and pity of failure still resonates .
- 音乐界高管们担心盗版的增长,哀叹缺乏像spotify的流媒体服务。
- Music executives worry about rising piracy and lament the lack of streaming services like spotify .
- 美国强权之下的世界和平固然有其缺陷,但其批评者或许会哀叹其消失。
- The pax americana had its flaws , but its critics may well be among those who lament its passing .
- 音乐衬出了一个人的过去,那时候我们每个人没有意识到,这种音乐感动着我们,使我们悲叹从未经受的不幸和我们未曾犯的过错。
- Music reveals a personal past which , until then , each of us was unaware of , moving us to lament misfortunes we never suffered and wrongs we did not commit .
- 我又很伤心,因为我不再是最伟大的幻象师了。
- And I 'm sorrowful because I 'm no longer the greatest illusionist .
- 那道令人悲伤的历史大门应该关上。
- That sorrowful door to the past needs to be shut .
- 上帝与处在悲痛中的人同在。
- God is right there with the people who are grieving and sorrowful .
- 攻击廉价服务进口并不比哀叹生产率提高更合乎逻辑。
- Attacking cheap imports of services is no more logical than bewailing rising productivity .
- 为失去的青春、天真等而感伤。
- Bewailing one 's lost youth , innocence , etc.
- 他在痛苦中苟延残喘了很长一个时期,最后痛惜他那失去的青春而死去。
- He lingered in pain for a long time , and then died , bewailing his lost youth .
- 你是悲哀还是高兴的?
- Are you doleful or glad ?
- 尽管国内储蓄少的可怜,但由于经常账户赤字不断扩大,土耳其经济增长迅速。
- Turkey has grown rapidly , despite pitifully low levels of domestic saving , thanks to an ever-widening current account deficit .
- 本周,投资者们购买债券的心情是如此迫切,他们将沃尔玛新发行的收益率低得可怜的价值50亿美元的债券抢购一空。
- This week investors were so eager to buy bonds they snapped up $ 5 billion worth of new wal-mart debt at pitifully low yields .
- 设想一位退休的孀居老人,她把毕生积蓄都用来购买债券基金,每年应纳税收入比方说是4万美元,那么她从高盛等公司债券中得到的那点少得可怜的债券收入得交25%的联邦所得税。
- Consider a retired widow who has her money in bond funds , and who has taxable income of say , $ 40000 a year . She will have to pay 25 % federal income tax on the ( pitifully low ) bond income her fund gets from the likes of goldman sachs .
- 一些产业分析人士说,为了获得重新开启两座大饭反应堆所需的支持,关西电力公司提供的有关热力发电和水力发电产能的数字似乎低于真实水平。
- Some industry analysts say that kansai electric appears to have provided much smaller figures for its thermal and hydro power capacity to win support for restarting the two oi reactors .
- 关西电力(kepco)是日本西部地区(包括福井在内)大部分核设施的运营商,目前该公司在大饭核电站开展的压力测试已获得国家监管部门的部分认可。
- Kansai electric power ( kepco ) , operator of most of the atomic facilities in western japan , including fukui , has won a partial endorsement from regulators in tokyo of its stress tests at oi .
- 他呼吁更强的安全措施并要求像大阪这样在大阪核电站(oi)100千米(62公里)半径范围内的城市有一个说法,看看他们是否能够胜任。
- He has called for stronger safety measures and demanded that cities like osaka , within a 100-km ( 62-mile ) radius of oi , should have a say on whether they are adequate .
- 舞蹈表达了一种悲伤和孤独。
- The dance expressed sadness and loneliness .
- 悲伤有时候几乎令人无法忍受。
- Sometimes the sadness is almost unendurable .
- 小孩会觉得有种缺失的悲伤感。
- And a child experiences loss and sadness .