Some industry analysts say that kansai electric appears to have provided much smaller figures for its thermal and hydro power capacity to win support for restarting the two oi reactors .
Kansai electric power ( kepco ) , operator of most of the atomic facilities in western japan , including fukui , has won a partial endorsement from regulators in tokyo of its stress tests at oi .
He has called for stronger safety measures and demanded that cities like osaka , within a 100-km ( 62-mile ) radius of oi , should have a say on whether they are adequate .
Confused and drifting smoke rising rain , flooding to the bustling city that day , masked long way in front of me , it all belongs to me once we are a long gone , leaving only the time to look back in the thick smoke deeply shallow oi shallow joys and sorrows .
And as if to highlight the services division 's ongoing potential , nsn today announced a new five-year managed services deal with brazilian fixed and mobile carrier tele norte leste partricipacoes sa ( better known as oi ) worth 1.1 billion ( $ 1.55 billion ) .