- 只有五分钟了,哈利突然听到外面有一些嘎嘎的声音。
- Five minutes to go . Harry heard something creak outside .
- 一旦以色列人摘下第一把成熟的麦穗,就能期盼车辆满载、车轮在禾捆下吱嘎发响的快乐时光。
- As soon as the israelite had plucked the first handful of ripe ears , he looked forward with glad anticipation to the time when the wain should creak beneath the sheaves .
- 她大发脾气后余怒未消的穿过大堂而文森特靠着墙又悄悄的跑了回来,这间屋子开始膨胀颤栗,并发出恐怖的声响,这使他的恐惧达到了顶峰。
- Her anger now spent , she walked out through the hall and while vincent backed slowly against the wall the room started to swell , to shiver and creak his horrid insanity had reached its peak .
- 在未来的几年里面,如果美国消费者信心依然不足,如果联邦和州政府不断抱怨自己的债务,如果国有公司依然是我们昂贵的负担,私有经济领域将会是创造就业岗位的唯一出路。
- If , in the years ahead , the american consumer remains reluctant to spend , if federal and state governments groan under their debt loads , if government-owned companies remain expensive burdens , then private-sector activity will become the only path to create jobs .
- 也许婚礼上她的呻吟真的是一声呜咽?
- Maybe that groan had been a moan after all ?
- 他解释说,当奥巴马总统在国情咨文中讲那个关于牛奶溢出的笑话时,全美国都在推特上表达着集体的抱怨情绪。
- He explained that when president obama made the spilled-milk joke in his ' state of the union ' speech , ' there was a collective groan that went on around the country ' on twitter .