- 这是份可恨的工作。
- It was a hateful job .
- 每头亵渎可憎的兽的出没之穴。
- A haunt for every unclean and hateful beast .
- 甚至是那些平凡,可恨的塑料购物袋也可以变为一个桥梁而且任何人都没想到可以如此坚固。
- Even those mundane , hateful , plastic grocery bags can become a bridge stronger than anyone imagined .
- 凡可憎的物都不可吃。
- Do not eat any detestable thing .
- 神看为可憎恶的。
- Detestable in the sight of god .
- 香品是我所憎恶的。
- Your incense is detestable to me .
- 象他这种可恶的傲慢,对他自己有什么好处?
- Can such abominable pride as his , have ever done him good ?
- 这么恶劣的天气我不能出去。
- I can 't go out in this abominable wether .
- 黑社会组织给韩国的民生和治安带来了恶劣的影响。
- Gangdom organization brought abominable influence to the people 's livelihood of korea and public security .
- 未经贝尔格莱德同意的独立可能是可惜的,但比完全拒绝要好多了,否则只会导致新的战争。
- Independence without belgrade 's consent may be regrettable , but it is better than denying it altogether , since this would only lead to renewed fighting .
- 周一,情绪激动的曾荫权在一次讲话中批评马尼拉警察的解救行动“令人遗憾”。
- Speaking on monday , an emotional mr tsang criticised the manila police 's handling of the incident as " regrettable " .
- 这体现出了罗斯福总统对预算赤字本能的抵触,尽管当时他将其视为令人遗憾的必要之举。
- This illustrates the president 's instinctive opposition to budget deficits , although he came at times to accept them as a regrettable necessity .