

detestable 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Do not eat any detestable thing .
- 凡可憎的物都不可吃。
- Detestable in the sight of god .
- 神看为可憎恶的。
- Your incense is detestable to me .
- 香品是我所憎恶的。
- He is a detestable human being .
- 他是个可憎的人。
- A stepson he found altogether detestable .
- 他感到十分可憎的继子。
- Toleration is meaningless without tolerance for what some may consider detestable .
- 忍受对一些可能会考虑可恨的是毫无意义的宽容。
- The most detestable is that it is a larger increase of 1.1 points is terrible .
- 最可恨的是它是在一点一点的增加变大实在是很可怕。
- Burma 's elections are shaping up to be the detestable sham the dictatorship 's sternest critics have warned .
- 缅甸的选举正逐渐发展成为对其独裁政府持最严厉批评态度的人士警告过的那种可憎骗局。
- Voice : ksw who portrays a despicable and detestable role in the movie , do you feel your heart deeply hurt by his eyes ?
- 画外音:通过这本电影展现卑劣和可恶角色的权相宇,有没有因为他的眼神而觉得内心受到很深的伤害呢?
- I found that his view was really detestable .
- 我觉得他的看法真令人厌恶。