- 够格的财政官员同样稀缺,同样的情况还有注册会计师、统计师、医生、护师、教师、经理人、法律学家和侦探。
- Qualified financial officers too are in desperately short supply , as are chartered accountants , statisticians , doctors , nurses , teachers , managers , forensic scientists and detectives .
- 然而据印度作家同时也是法律专家的parikh说其实缢刑至今在印度仍然非常普遍。
- However garroting is still common in india according indian author and forensic expert parikh .
- 我们只好花1000英镑雇了法庭的一位笔迹鉴定专家,来证明这个签名是伪造的。
- We had to spend 1000 to employ a forensic writing expert to prove that the signature was faked .
- 那是一个相互发现的时代。
- It was a time of mutual discovery .
- 金矿的发现转变了全球的视角。
- The discovery of gold shifted global perspectives .
- 他们于九月二十九号宣布了这一发现。
- They announced their discovery sept. 29 .